Chat Room

Created By:

Team Leader: Austin Hartley
Group Member: Matthew Carter


This project is a chat room implementation called Chat Room. The front page leads to a sign up/log in page, which only asks for a username and password to avoid security issues. It also includes the link to this page, for our credits and bug reports. Once logged in, the users can see all registered users and whether are not they or online. The chat erases after 10 messages and there are emojis they can click or type to use.

Bug Report

  1. 1.You can sign up with a space as your name and it wont show up in the users.
  2. 2.If messages are left for a few days the sorting of the messages can get mixed up.
  3. 3.Refreshing the page may send everyone a welcome message to that person except for the one who refreshed
  4. 4. A users logging in or refreshing may add one to the count
  5. 5. Messages sent at the exact same time may be out of order on refresh
  6. 6. Users logging in reset the counter (FIXED)